Purchase Quietly
"Inside Loretta"
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My Debut CD
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CD - Quietly • $15 (17 Ballads including "At Last," "I Can't Make You Love me," "Strange Fruit," "Guess Who I saw Today," and "Ol man River")




DVD - "An Evening with Loretta Holloway" $20 (Live at the Peace Center for the Performing Arts, Greenville, SC)




The Book - "Inside Loretta"  limited edition, $15
Partial procedes to benefit The National Alliance On Mental Illness (NAMI). In these uncertain times, we must safeguard our mental health and recognize the signs of someone on the "razor's edge."

"Personalized copy" please mail money order to Loretta Holloway,
PO Box 778 Belton, SC, 29627



Plus $6.00 Shipping and Processing Fee
Multiple orders shipped to the same address is $6.00
Orders from other countries must be paid in US Currency.



Loretta Holloway
PO Box 778, Belton, SC  29627



Payment via: CashAPP (click here to begin payment process) or
Payment via: PayPal (click here to begin payment process)
 be sure to leave your mailing address, city, and state



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ALL RIGHTS RESERVED • Copyright 1997 - 2024 by Loretta Holloway

Web site Management and Design by Lavallet